chief assistant

chief assistantchief assistant
  1. Used formerly as a title for a priest holding first rank among the members of a cathedral chapter , acting as chief assistant to a bishop .


  2. A year later , she worked with critically-acclaimed director Manish Jha as a Chief Assistant Director on his feature film , 'Anwar ' .


  3. Such tactics are not entirely new : more than 50 years ago , the humorist Michael Flanders created a dogmatic cannibal who was chief assistant to the assistant chief , and presumably he had a particular organisation man in mind .


  4. Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers ' Association


  5. The measure of soil breed and management in greenhouse . Taking organic fertilizer as chief and fertilizer as assistant .


  6. With the approval of the chief procurator , an assistant procurator may act in the function of a procurator .


  7. Along the way , she is frequently humiliated and bullied by her enemies like the chief editor , the assistant , the stylists , and even top models .


  8. Along the way , she is frequently humiliated and bullied by her " enemies " like the chief editor , the assistant , the stylists , and even top models .


  9. In addition , Lader worked under President Bill Clinton as the White House deputy chief of staff and assistant as well as deputy director in the Office of Management and Budget .


  10. The chief U.S. negotiator , Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill , says confirming North Korea 's nuclear declaration and the disabling will be the main focus of the talks .
